This cereal grain is used as a winter cover crop and often grown with vetch and/or a legume such as clover. It will continue to grow through the cold temperatures of late fall longer than other cover crops. prospers in poor soils and requires minimal precipitation. Its early spring growth will help to protect the soil from erosion and weeds. The roots are vigorous and deep and will add lots of organic matter. For green manure sow any time from spring through mid fall. Allow it to flower, then mow closely before the seeds form. This should kill the Winter Rye. Till in the stalks and roots or plant ‘no-till’ through the stalks. Plan to sow subsequent garden vegetable seeds at least 2 weeks from tilling.
Seeding Rate:
Small Areas: 3-4 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft.
Larger Areas: 100 lbs. per acre
Avg. 19,900 seeds/lb